Tips for Flavoring a Low Salt Diet
Here are some good tips if you have to start and/or are on a low salt diet:
When you use salt substitutes, add them to the food just before serving. Cooking often neutralizes their taste.
Dishes which contain little or no added salt can be made more palatable by any of the following:
Judicious use of fruit juices such as pineapple, apricot, lemon or lime, - particularly with vegetables and meats;
The addition of liberal amounts of paprika to chicken, fish and meats;
The addition of honey;
Adding caraway seeds and a pinch of sugar to greens such as spinach;
Adding a bit of sugar to the water in which you cook fresh vegetables;
The addition of nutmeg and other spices and herbs.
Sometimes by eliminating all the salt that we are used to we really get to appreciate the full flavor of foods.